Monday, September 30, 2019

Sex and Death in LA

Wait, people won't believe she tried killing herself, what if I say she fell off her commode and blame someone else. I picked Miss Jenkins up from the floor and laid her on the couch, I put some clothes on her because she enjoyed sleeping half naked. I took the beer she had opened and grabbed the half empty bottle of sleeping pills and placed them on the table right next to Miss Jenkins. I grabbed Buffy's rhinestone leash and headed out with my precious Lhasa apso dog. As soon as I was walking out the building, I saw the doorman and remembered I had to tell im about Miss Jenkins. â€Å"Doorman.I need you to run upstairs to my apartment and call a doctor. † â€Å"Why? What's the matter? † he said. â€Å"Miss Jenkins fell off her commode and is in serious pain. She needs a doctor right away. † â€Å"Okay I'll call a doctor and I'll tell him to check up on her. † â€Å"Fine, I will be back in a few, I need to walk my dog. And do not steal anything from my ap artment. † I said. While walking with Buffy, I couldn't help but to be happy, things will get better between the two of us. We'll be happy again, and all the fighting will stop. I was so appy, I ended the walk with Buffy short, to go make sure the doorman had called the doctor.As I walked towards the building I noticed he wasn't in the front where he usually stands. He must be upstairs with the doctor now. As soon as I walked into my apartment, I saw another person leaning over Miss Jenkins. I assumed I was being robbed by the doorman and this stranger, IVe never seen before. I quickly questioned the stranger what was he doing here. He didn't look like a doctor, he seemed too young to be a doctor. The doorman reassured me he was a neighbor of mine and was also a doctor. I questioned if he was a doctor like he says, why isn't he helping her?I saw him reach over Miss Jenkins and hurt Buffy, I began to scream, mfou bastard! You bastard! Hurting a poor, innocent dog! † I sta rted kicking him, he nurt my baby. I heard a loud knock on the door, I began screaming again mfou robbed me, you robbed me! † Whoever was knocking on the door, told us to stand clear of the door, they were coming through. â€Å"Shit, Cops! † screamed the doorman â€Å"So? † said the doctor â€Å"I'm carrying! † â€Å"Aha, I knew it! † I said as I was opening the door to see a fireman with his ax upraised. He was trying to hack down my door.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Learning machine Essay

The author believes that like a learning machine the human brain is capable of adapting anything new regardless of the age of the person. This she deduces this from a number of arguments in the form of research done from different points of view but all leading to her conclusion. The author is not describing other peoples’ opinions. Rather she uses their arguments as the premises to end at the conclusion that she states at the beginning of her excerpt. The author uses information on neural plasticity from presentation done by Gregg Recanzone using animals, Merzenich Michaels’ research on â€Å"shaping the machinery of our brains† using the elderly and   Alison Gopniks’ research on plasticity of the brain using children and the connection to the logic of imagination all from the University of California. Columbia University’s Walter Mischels’ discussion on the ability to control our desires based on the imaginations we put on them and Sir Michael Rutter of King’s college made a presentation of the effects of early institutional deprivation[1]. To arrive at the conclusion, the author used the data from done research as the premises to support her conclusion. Though the author does not use the solid research data to support her argument, she uses the findings of the research as her arguments. The research was done correctly. There are various experiments done where there was need for comparison. There was physical experimenting in the case of study. The author shows only one side of the issue. The author relies on isolated researches, which makes the findings reliable. The author makes a valid conclusion form the data that was well intended for showing that indeed the plasticity and changes in the brain is a life long process. At any time, the conclusions made should be based on concrete and sound arguments. Arguments based on facts or pre-proven researches are valid arguments. To make a conclusion, one needs to provide valid arguments that are in line with the conclusion to be made. The conclusion made should therefore be in tandem with the arguments presented to make a valid conclusion. This is because there can be a situation where there are valid arguments but an invalid conclusion. In the excerpt, the author has used valid arguments in the form done researches to arrive at the conclusion made. The conclusion is also valid. In making a good argument, there should be no assumptions made. In the excerpt, the argument that uses the animal species of a monkey to relate to the human situation is challengeable. Real research in the human context would have been the best line of action in the case study. The education sector in the United States today is a very good example. In the New York Times on 6th July 2010. The unions are accusing the government for â€Å"undermining public education†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Is the conclusion right? What is the basis of their conclusion? In the National Education Association’s convention that began on Saturday, there is no one from the Obama administration is set to speak in the convection. This is despite the previous two-year addresses that the president had made to them. They claim that they have not seen the change they hoped for from the government. â€Å"Today our members face the most anti-educator, anti-union, anti-student environment I have ever experienced,† Dennis Van Roekel, president of the union, the National Education Association, told thousands of members gathered at the convention center.[2] The angered teachers are being blamed for the prevailing situations in the public schools. There is a connection in the article and except, the teachers unions are deriving a conclusion from the arguments that I have briefly summarized among the many more in the article. The concept of using valid arguments to arrive at a conclusion is utilized here. Like any other animal man is no exception to nature. Nature requires that the species adapt to survive. The human brain is the control system of the human body, this makes it the first to respond to the changes and hence give directive to the whole body in order to survive. As we grow, the rate of responsiveness to changes will decrease. The brain is an organ in the human body, all the body tissues are subjected to wear and tear and old age makes the body not able to replace the worn out tissues as fast as before. Therefore, the brain will have worn out tissues that will make it unable to adapt as first as before. BIBLIOGRAPHY Dillon, Sam.2010. Teachers’ Union Shuns Obama Aides at Convention. The New York Times July 6th, 2010. Retrieved on 6th July 2010 Nelson, Leah.2006. A learning machine: Plasticity and change throughout life. Retrieved on July 6th, 2006 [1] Leah Nelson. 2006.   A learning machine: Plasticity and change throughout life. Retrieved on 6th July 2006   [2] Sam Dillon. 2010. Teachers’ Union Shuns Obama Aides at Convention. The New York Times 6th, July 2010. Retrieved on 6th July 2010

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Buddhist Education in Vietnam

Almost 85% of the entire population of Vietnam is Buddhist . The main reason for this vast acceptance of Buddhism is its very early entrance in Vietnam. Buddhism entered Vietnam in the beginning of second century. This was the Common Era and can be called as the first phase of the Buddhist education in Vietnam .The very first Buddhist education was given by a Taoist named Meou-Po, who later converted to Buddhism . According to many historians, even before this Taoist, some form of Buddhist education could be seen when the Chinese missionaries came to Vietnam .The Chinese missionaries came in Vietnam during the rule of Si-Nhiep. Later, two Indian monks also came from India to Vietnam, in order to practice and preach Buddhism. Ma Ha Ky Vuc and Khau Da La stayed in Vietnam for some time, later Khau Da La left whereas Ma Ha Ky Vuc stayed. Ma Ha Ky Vuc was a very religious man and used to fast for several days. According to him this helped purify his body and soul. These two Buddhist monk s first came to Northern Vietnam, which was called as Giao-Chi at that time. Mau-Bac, a Chinese Buddhist later came to Vietnam, in order to preach his religion.At that time China was the centre of a serious political conflict, hence many scholars in order to learn and preach at peace, came to Vietnam. This was a breakthrough for the Buddhism. These were the first people ever to bring in Buddhism in Vietnam. They were refugees from China and Pilgrims from India. As time passed by Buddhism became more accepted and most practiced religion in Vietnam. BEGINNING OF BUDDHIST EDUCATION A Hindu price, Gautama who did not like the idea of Hindu caste system, was the founder of Buddhism.Gautama did not believe that any man could be superior to the other and as Hinduism Brahmans are considered superior, he left this religion . Gautama had spent many years wandering and meditating. In the end he found answers to all his questions and hence found the path of enlightenment, â€Å"nirvana†. According to Buddhism, nirvana is the path to endless serenity. It is free from the cycle of birth, death and rebirth. Moreover, a person will achieve salvation if he believes in the four noble truths.These four noble truths are that a man suffers in all his consecutive lives; the reason for his sufferings is his wants for earthly things, when the person frees himself from all the wants of earthly things he then achieves deliverance. The last noble truth says that a person can achieve deliverance by following the eightfold noble path . So how did Buddhism actually spread? During the time Si-Nhiep ruled Giao-Chi, it was considered as a safe place. Mau-Bac came to Vietnam looking for peace and tranquility. After coming to Vietnam, he studied Buddhism from an Indian monk named Ksudra .Ma Ha Ky Vuc who also came to Vietnam got together with Mau-Bac and started preaching their religion. Ksudra also started helping them, hence people in Vietnam, who never knew what Buddhism was, started learning and accepting it. These were the very first people to start preaching and teaching Buddhism. Their teaching is the very early form of teachings found in Vietnam. After these, many Buddhist monks came to Vietnam. Khang Tang Hoi and Cuong Luong Lau were two monks who made a lot of difference. They translated many Buddhist books into Chinese.As Vietnamese culture at that time was influenced a lot by Chinese and Chinese was the official language used , hence translating these books made a lot of difference to people who could not read or write other languages . PHASES OF VIETNAMESE BUDDHISM The history of Buddhist education in Vietnam can be studied by dividing it into four separate phases or periods. – The formation of Buddhism in Vietnam. This started from the common era and lasted till the end of Chinese dominion – Climax of Buddhism. Buddhism was at its peak during the independence – The decadence after the Le Dynasty– Revival period. This starte d in the beginning of the 20th century and has not ended yet. The period before the Common Era lays the foundation for the beginning and development of Buddhist education in Vietnam. It was the time when Siddhartha Gautama, who will later attain enlightenment and will be called as ‘Buddha’ was born. As he was born in India, Indians were the first to learn Buddhism. Later when Buddhism came to China, many Chinese monks went to Vietnam in order to spread Buddhism. However, it believed that the Chinese and Indian merchants came to Vietnam for trading.They brought monks with them saying that the monks were the â€Å"calmer of the sea† These monks started preaching their religion in Vietnam. It was easy for them to teach their religion to many people at a time, as Luy-Lau, later known as Ha-Bac was the centre of all trading activities. All the merchants who came here to trade, and merchants who were travelling between India and China, stopped here to rest, therefore, monks were able to spread their religion very easily. Many missionary activities were started as a result. Monasteries were built and Buddhism became important.This was the first time ever in the history of Vietnam, that monasteries were built . The next period or phase proved to be best for Vietnamese Buddhism. In this period Buddhist studies were at their peak and many famous people and rulers converted to this religion. It was when King Dinh Tien Hoang came in to power. Buddhism has its own hierarchy of monks and priests who were accepted by the court. Buddhism was now supported by the royal court and this helped many positive changes to take place. Buddhists were now respected and were considered as learned people.They were asked advice by the royal court and the rulers before taking decisions. This helped them get involved in many political and religious decisions and hence providing many decisions to be taken according to them. This era truly proved to be the best for Buddhist studies and it became one of the most predominant religions. After this, many kings and emperors converted to Buddhism. Many laws came into practice in this era, which were influenced by Buddhism, and hence were in favor of the Buddhists. Van Hanh became a Buddhist in this period.He is known as the meditation master and has influenced many people to convert to Buddhism. Any ruler who was not Buddhists was at least the supporter of Buddhism and this was a very positive point for the Buddhists. In 1010 A. D, almost eight monasteries were built in Ha Bac. All other monasteries and Buddhist temples were also repaired. Tripitaka texts, which were in China initially, were brought in Vietnam. Thousands of Buddha statues and paintings were made and set up. Festivals were set up. Many new monasteries such as Sung Kharh monastery and monastery at Mount Ba were built. In 1086 A.d Dai Lam monastery was built in Ha Bac. Later in 1118 A. D Thien Phat was built which had almost 1,000 Buddha statu es . BUDDHIST STUDIES The entire Buddhist education comes from the studies of Buddha, who is the supreme teacher. All of the studies root from saddha, which is the faith in triple Gem. Depdnding upon these studies the students are taught according to the five rules. The students should know the rules, their reason and their appliance in daily lives. Most importantly, they should appreciate all these rules and believe in them. The students should know what is generosity and self sacrifice.These are essential elements that help the students overcome their worldly desires, their selfishness and greed. These five moral rules are dependent on each other. A student can gain by suta, which is by extensive reading of Buddhism texts. According to Buddhist studies the knowledge of a person is dependent on his inside belief of truth i. e. Dhamma. Calm and insight are the two main elements of any Buddhist teaching. In Buddhist education tasks and wisdom are dependent on each other. A student ca n attain wisdom by deep investigation, discussion and intelligence.This wisdom was the basic instruments which lead Buddha to salvation. This wisdom is the crown of all educations of Buddhism. Without wisdom, education is incomplete. Before French, people were chosen based on their education. These were officials known as â€Å"mandarins†. Learning was very important in those times. It was not just education but it lead a person to intellectual understanding, social standing, wealth and power. Buddhism came directly from India, hence there are many words in Vietnamese Buddhism which are influenced or are taken directly from India. The word Buddha is also taken as it is.However, as the Vietnamese culture is influenced a lot from the Chinese, hence when Chinese monks came to Vietnam, the word Buddha was replaced by the word Phat. In those days, Buddhism in Vietnam was influenced by Theravada Buddhism. It was seen as religion which helped good people and punished the bad. It was very difficult to teach Buddhism at that time as very little literature was available. Vietnamese had no written script; hence a few translations were made in Chinese. The era between 544 and 602 was an independent era and was helpful in spreading Buddhism

Friday, September 27, 2019

How does sports media affect society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

How does sports media affect society - Essay Example For instance Woods (2007) maintains that sports is main source of revenue for the media and as such they use techniques to generate public interests and this often translated into unhealthy emotional attachment to specific sports and athletes (p. 72). B. Codes of Conduct: This section focuses on the irresponsible way that the sports press prioritizes and changes the entertainment value of sports. For example Shhultz (2005) reports that the sports media focuses far too much attention on controversy because it generates public interest (p. 27). Rather than focusing on the competitive nature of sports in a healthy way the sports media is becoming increasingly fixated on issues such as athlete’s who have ongoing morality issues such as the Tiger Woods sex scandal. C. Perceptions and Stereotyping in the Sports Media: This part of the paper looks at issues of standards and analyses how the media contributes to society’s penchant for cultural stereotyping. For instance the portray of female cheerleaders as sex symbols, or Latin athletes as entirely hot-tempered. (Pedersen, Miloch and Laucella 2007, p. 322). D. How Sports should be Treated by the Media: This section looks at the negative effects that sports media has on society by reference to the previous sections. This section will then go into analyzing how sports media can portray sports so as to have a more positive impact on society. For instance sports is a manifestation of a rules-based culture. It also promotes healthy eating and healthy lifestyles (Leclerc 2010, p.

Thursday, September 26, 2019


WHAT ARE THE IMPACT OF LONG TERM UNMPLOYENT ON WOMENS MENTAL HEALTH - Essay Example During the course of study they found that women who were unemployed for more than five months; which is consider long term unemployment period showed higher depressive symptoms (Bruce P. Dohrenwend, 1998). In this regard Jahoda’s Deprivation Theory of Unemployment has played a significant role in recognizing the impacts of unemployment on women’s mental health. The theory states that class, age (Stephen Edgell, 2012) and social setup (Torild Hammer, 2003) are dominant factors of poor mental conditions of women in post unemployment period. Women are more susceptible to stress, depression and other mental health issues due to unemployment (Susan G. Kornstein, Anita H. Clayton, 2004). However, recent researches have indicated that women can cope up with the stress more quickly than men (Sarah E. Romans, Mary Violette Seeman, 2006). The aim of this study is to identify the variables through which women can easily deal with post unemployment situations and health issues. The target population is the unemployed women who have failed to get employment in the last five months. In addition to employed women who are working from last five months. The sample size is calculated to be 50 as it would be convenient to collect data from small yet diverse group of individuals. Questionnaires are found to be more suitable for this research than personal interviews. It will be an individual project and would be carried out under the supervision of course coordinator. It shall be done in two stages; in the first stage filtration of the target population will be done and in the second stage actual research will be conducted. Random sampling procedures will be used for population sample. All the participants will have equal opportunity of being chosen; no biasness shall be considered. Participants shall be rewarded with the token

The British Monarchy is a dignified part of the Constitution. Why Essay

The British Monarchy is a dignified part of the Constitution. Why - Essay Example â€Å"In the plight of this, several scandals have been unearthed eliciting interest among the media and thus an increased call for Republicans making the future of monarchy in question† (Blain & O'Donnell, 2003). In order to get an insight into the present and the future view of the British monarch, it is important to involve the composition of the entire British government that is the monarch, the House of Lords and the House of Commons in the discussion. Finally, the paper will discuss the British monarchy under the historical-constitutional context, political context and the cultural aspects with a view of establishing its constitutional validity in the UK. â€Å"During the 17th century, British monarchs were empowered to make and pass laws governing land† (Cannon, & Griffiths, 2000). The monarch was therefore an executive one. It is however worth noting that from the beginning of the 18th century, due to their impartiality, the monarch served as a constitutional mo narch. Rules and conventions were drafted that would bind them from making impartial judgements. In addition to this, the monarch’s constitution power was limited during the reign of Queen Victoria. â€Å"The main role of the monarch was mainly that of advisory to the ministers† (Cannon, & Griffiths, 2000). ... As the head of state of the commonwealth nations, the monarch has powers to confer titles, braveries and honours to persons who qualify. It is important to note that the monarch plays a key role in constituent organizations such as the Armed Forces and the Church of England. â€Å"In the armed forces, the monarch acts as the commander and as such, soldiers during their swearing in to work swear allegiance to the crown but not to the state† (Cannon & Griffiths, 2000). In the Church of England, the monarch plays the role of a governor. In addition to the constitutional roles of the monarch, there are non-constitutional roles that the monarch plays. â€Å"The queen for instance acts as a symbol of national unity where she is expected to preside over important state ceremonies as well as representing Britain in international arenas† (Cannon & Griffiths, 2000). Much of the queen’s work lies on that of representing the state within and outside the UK. This alone raises the profile of the nation raising the interest of both foreign and local tourists. A vital role of the monarch that is imperceptible and unconstitutional is acting as a symbolic head of the British Nation. This role represents the intangible part of the British constitution. It is therefore exciting and preserves the admiration of a large population worldwide. â€Å"The monarchy can be described as a dignified part of the British constitution† (Loughlin, 2007). The role of the monarch as enshrined in the British constitution can be examined by looking at various theories of the British state. First, the monarch presents a modern pluralist interaction in governance. â€Å"The ancient angle through which the monarch was first viewed has proved

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Educational Sector in the Great Britain Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Educational Sector in the Great Britain - Essay Example On the face of it, everything is fine in the educational sector in the UK especially in its schooling system but a deeper study of its curriculum raises questions about its efficacy and influence it would have on the future professionals of the Great Britain. The ever increasing gap between academic theories taught at schools and their applicability in practical and professional life poses a great question mark over their usefulness in making up the future citizens of the country. Already it has reached a threatening stage where the native British youth have been lagging behind in taking up professional careers when compared to their counterparts of Asian origin in the UK. Lucinda Platt of the University of Essex, using the data from the UK's Office for National Statistics, has recently disclosed that young people of ethnic minority families in Britain, particularly Indian working class families, have been claiming a larger cake in professional and managerial roles in the country. According to Platt, 56 percent of The theory and practice of education is directly linked to the growth of practical knowledge among the wealth of students. It would also have its impact on the effective or ineffective utilisation of youth power for the sake of the country and society. The design and development of curriculum, pupils and educational management, teaching methods, prioritising the subjects, inculcation of necessary creative and imaginary skills among the student community are all part and parcel of the theory and practice of education. Among these, curriculum and its related affairs play a major role in consolidating the pieces of knowledge gained by the students. When one deeply thinks of the ongoing schooling curriculum in the country, one tends to note that unfortunately it is not creative oriented but purely pro-academic. Most of the UK schools have been following the teaching of academic subjects colleted from various sources while no importance is being accorded to supplement the theoretical kno wledge with practical proficiency. Practical knowledge is used to find solutions to problems plaguing the society. In the absence of this end objective, there is no meaning to pursue any kind of education. Mary Warnock, acclaimed educationist and researcher, strongly feels that education and teaching should above all aim to stimulate and engage the imaginative skills of the students. As far back as 1973, 3 Warnock, in her research paper 'Towards a Definition of Quality in Education', had suggested that it would be better for students to leave their schools with a profound knowledge of one important subject rather than shallow knowledge of several topics (Mary Warnock, Para 6).What a visionary statement it was! The singular meaning of her statement, applicable even in present days, is not very difficult to understand. She was thoroughly of the view that students should not be subjected with formal acquaintance of several subjects as it would not give them

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Exemplification Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Exemplification Assignment - Essay Example Villagers were also jealous to him. One day it so happened that the horse was missing from its place. Villagers reminded him that how he missed a big fortune that he could have amassed from the king. Without horse now he had turned a pauper that was what villagers called him. It was a big misfortune in the eyes of villagers. The farmer accepted the fact that he had certainly lost the horse and that was all. Nothing could be made out of the event that whether he had gone pauper or not. A week had gone by then and suddenly one day the horse returned. In fact, he was simply lost in the woods on his own. This time he came with a battalion of many more horses. Villagers commented, "You have struck even a bigger fortune; now you can sell these horses and garner even a larger sum from the king†. Again, the farmer reminded him about the uncertainty. "No one knows what is going to happen". One day, while riding one of the horses that had come from the woods, his young and only son got h is ankle fractured. All villagers gathered and commented, "what a misfortune; your son is the only support in your old age and the whole life your son will now live a miserable life. This pet horse of yours has brought a biggest misfortune for you. Had he not gone in the woods and brought more wild horses with him perhaps, your son would not have suffered from this casualty". On this, the farmer reminded them, â€Å"Life is so uncertain that to form any views is not wisdom†. It so happened that after a few days, a king from neighborhood attacked on the farmer’s country. The king that ruled the farmer’s village was not fully equipped so he ordered all young boys between age 18 and 25 to join the army immediately. The king’s men visited farmer’s home to take his son along with many other young boys from the village. Having seen that the farmer’s son had broken his ankle and he was of no use to them they spared him. His son was saved off from g oing to the war. The villagers again gathered and told the farmer, â€Å"Your pet horse has been really fortunate to you. It is because of the horse that your son has been let off to go to the war while each one of us has been forced to send our sons to the battle field and we don’t know what would happen to them whether they would come back alive or not†. The moral of the story is that life is full of uncertainties and people continue to toss between fortune and misfortune, good and bad throughout their life. The uncertainty principle is not limited to one's life; in fact, it applies to all natural events too. That is what known as Chaos theory that speaks about extreme complexities in nature. The chaos theory is based on the premise that very simple system or events can give birth to very complex behaviors or events (Chaos Theory for Beginners). Even quantum mechanics encompasses the principle of uncertainty while discussing the momentum or position of a particle â⠂¬â€œ the more accurately the position of a particle is earmarked, the less precisely one can indicate about its position. In simple terms, it means that uncertainty is now an accepted way of life in the realms of science too (The uncertainty Principle). Conclusion I strongly agree with Benjamin’s above aphorism that how our life will progress is entirely uncertain. That understanding gives me inner strength to accept the good and bad

Monday, September 23, 2019

Did Marx think that capitalism is unjust Dissertation

Did Marx think that capitalism is unjust - Dissertation Example It also includes a small conclusion depicting the final result of the dissertation and the entire essay is referenced vividly with varied books and journals and online sources. Table of Contents Abstract 2 1. Introduction 4 1.1 Background 4 1.2 Scope and Objective 5 1.3 Methodology 5 2. Literature Reviews 5 2.1 Authors Who Denied Marx, Condemned Capitalism as Unjust 5 2.2 Authors Who Admitted With Marx, Condemned Capitalism as Unjust 7 3. Discussion 9 4. Results 10 5. Recommendations 10 6. Conclusions 11 References: 13 Bibliography 15 1. Introduction 1.1 Background This essay mainly highlights the detailed facts of a fast-growing sector describing about the current literatures on Karl Marx and the controversies that fuelled its growth. Mainly during the last decade of 20th century, there arose a keen interest over moral and political philosophy highlighting the concept of justice that marked its presence over the philosophical discussions of Marx’s works. Such discussions took the shape of a criticism describing, whether Marx denounce capitalism as unjust or not? Varied types of opinions came into limelight discussing such topic in which some argued actively against such discussions and many of them equally admitted that he did — for the benefit of the labours or workers. ... Here, the views of Max are also presented in brief. Third part includes the results, conclusions, and recommendations in support of them. Apart from this, to prevent varied types of misunderstanding, the views and theories of Marx and other authors has been analysed in order to evaluate the results stating whether it is just or unjust for labours. Only then, a clear cut picture or view can be attained and judged whether it is appropriate or unjust for the workers or labours engaged in performing varied types of works within an organization. 1.2 Scope and Objective The prime scope and objective of this dissertation is to evaluate whether capitalism is just or unjust for the labours or workers. The results of this statement might be analyzed with the help of varied types of literature reviews and statements of the authors. 1.3 Methodology The methodology of this dissertation is entirely based on the literature reviews of varied authors. It is an entirely theoretical approach in which v aried types of texts and theories of the books of the libraries are highlighted to describe the statement of the dissertation. After analyzing the reviews and theories in a vivid way, the results and recommendation are presented. Due to which, it may be stated that this dissertation is entirely qualitative in nature. 2. Literature Reviews 2.1 Authors Who Denied Marx, Condemned Capitalism as Unjust According to Brass & et. al. (2004) capitalism is surely a good decision presenting fair wages to the workers or labours. They described that the amount of wage is calculated entirely on the basis of work done or the hours spend in performing that specific

Sunday, September 22, 2019

In Search of Your Own Identity Essay Example for Free

In Search of Your Own Identity Essay After various writings by Richard Rodriguez and Octavio Paz, I have come across several realizations. Who am I? Should I be a part of a nation and a â€Å"system† that does not value me, or should I be a part of a nation that does not acknowledge my existence? The United States as a nation does not value me, and Mexico does not even know that I exist. These are difficult matters to discuss. We are all in search of our own identity. However, some of us are placed in a situation that makes it very difficult and confusing to know or understand. I have always asked myself, â€Å"Who am I? † I should put it in more crude words, â€Å"Where do I belong? † After this specific question is asked, I begin to realize that I have problems coming up with a response. My parents were born in Mexico, and thus, they are Mexican. Sometimes I feel I belong here in the United States, but other times I feel more attached to Mexico. I am a Mexican-American. However, I feel that I am denying in some way my heritage and my culture by saying that I am. I am denying my parents. I say that I’m Mexican because in a sense I am. I am also an American. I am a Mexican-American. What do these terms put together imply? They should imply that the person is Mexican and American. The term â€Å"Mexican-American† is the very reason why I find myself confused about who I really am. I need to search for my own identity, which leads me to the purpose of this essay. Rodriguez and Paz have discussed this particular problem of identity. All three have different viewpoints. Some of their ideas are similar but mostly contradictory, especially in the case of Rodriguez and Paz. As I was reading, I was able to relate to what they had to say, and in a much bigger sense, I was able to understand and know who I am. I was able to find my self. According to Paz, self-discovery is most than anything realizing that we are alone. Paz argues that our being or our identity becomes a problem and a question. It becomes a problem because of several reasons. We just don’t simply wake up one day and realize that we don’t know who we are. There are individuals who are placed in difficult situations that allow for these questions to arise. For example, the migration of Mexicans to the United States is a situation that will definitely cause many to question their identity. I agree because if we had not moved to the United States, I would simply consider myself a Mexican without a doubt. Paz strongly argues that different circumstances are likely to produce different reactions. This migration is a circumstance that will bring about confusion among the Mexicans about who they really are. It is ironic how a few miles can bring about such a change in you. Personally, I have experiences such a confusion by simply moving twenty miles North of where I lived. I lived in Reynosa since I was eight. Then, my family and I moved here to McAllen. At the beginning, you don’t feel quite like you fit. It makes it very difficult because it is a completely different world. Even though the majority of the people are of Mexican origin, it still makes it very hard. After the years, I became somewhat used to the life here and began to feel comfortable. However, I also began to question my identity. It is the moment we cross that border that we lose our identity. Paz argues that instead of asking ourselves questions, we should do something about it. We cannot go on contemplating who we are, rather, we should work with our situation and do something. Our questions are only an excuse for not facing reality. I agree with Paz because sometimes, we continue to complain and complain and simply think about our present situation. However, we do nothing to change it. I believe that Mexican-Americans need to stop talking about our injustices and discrimination and do something. However, Paz does mention that Mexicans have an inferiority complex. We begin to doubt our own abilities. This happens because of our culture. We are taught to listen and stay quiet. On the other hand, Anglo-Americans are taught to voice their opinions. There are many differences in both the Anglo-American culture and Mexican culture. These differences are the reason why it is impossible to blend or mix. We are brought into a culture that is the complete opposite of ours. This is the reason why Paz says that our â€Å"Mexicanism† simply floats. It never exists, and it never goes away. One of the ways we react to this situation is by flaunting our differences. Paz talks about pachucos. They are a group of people of Mexican origin that are known for their language, behavior, and clothing. I remember when I went to high school and we had a pep rally, which landed right on September 16, which is Mexico’s independence. A group of friends and I decided to wear red, white, and green to celebrate Mexico’s independence. We were simply proud of being Mexicans and wanted to show our pride. However, there were problems with several of the administrators because it wasn’t just my friends and I doing it, but other people as well. The pep rally was canceled because they felt that our clothing would distract and cause conflict with the other â€Å"American† students in school. As I was reading Paz, he mentioned that Mexicans dress a certain way to stand out. They know they are rejected by the â€Å"American† society. They do this to be different and stand out. The disguise is a protection because it hides and points them out. Somehow, they are doing this to â€Å"belong† in some way. They are able to catch the attention of the Anglo-Americans. I don’t agree with Paz. I believe that sometimes people dress a certain way to show their pride. I do not dress a certain way to be different and so people can notice me. I am proud to be Mexican and want to show it off. When fourth of July comes, I also like to dress in red, white and blue to celebrate America’s independence. Is this possible or am I being a hypocrite? This question leads me to Richard Rodriguez. Richard Rodriguez’ Hunger of memory is an autobiography. I was able to read only part of his book. I found it quite fascinating. Rodriguez goes through many problems of identity. He has mixed feelings about his own self. He mainly talks about affirmative action. What does the term â€Å"minority student† mean? Is it something we want to be classified as? I had an experience in high school in which a student denied a part of himself. His mother is Anglo and his father is Mexican. However, throughout school, when it was time to check on the ethnicity, he would check out Anglo. He did this throughout his years in school, but when it was his senior year something happened. He decided to go talk to his counselor and tell her to change all his paperwork. He no longer wanted to be classified as Anglo, but Hispanic. When I heard this, it was very surprising. I cannot understand how this particular person decided to simply become Hispanic just so he could get the benefits of affirmative action. He was applying to scholarships and various universities, and he knew that if he was classified as a minority student, he would receive better benefits. This is not right. You cannot simply choose to be Hispanic for your convenience. You should not reject a part of yourself simply for your own benefits. Rodriguez faced this dilemma. He knew that he did not want to be labeled a minority student, but if this is what was going to get him in society, then he simply had to accept. Throughout life, Rodriguez wondered about his identity. He was criticized by many because he was a well-known writer who was invited as a guest speaker. He would be around Anglo-Americans, and many criticized him because they felt he had become a part of them. Is this really true? Isn’t your identity how â€Å"you† see yourself? Just because other people see you being around another class or race of people, doesn’t mean that you have become a part of them. You simply know that you are Mexican, American, or Mexican-American, and blending with other cultures doesn’t necessarily mean you lose your true self. Because of affirmative action, Rodriguez was able to be a guest speaker, and a professor at a university. He felt threatened at times because the felt somewhat alienated by the â€Å"other† society. Rodriguez did not have a good relationship with the Chicano students. He felt threatened by them. These students were still attached to their parents’ culture. These students knew how to speak Spanish very well. They were proud of their past. Rodriguez on the other hand, spoke in English. His Spanish was not that well. He did not want to associate himself to a past that meant â€Å"poor†. There was one specific time when Rodriguez’ parents saw a Hispanic student wearing a sarape. They were very surprised. Rodriguez said that these students were foolish to think themselves unchanged by their schooling. I disagree with Rodriguez because I believe that just because you are getting a higher education and have a good job, you forget that you are Hispanic or Mexican-American. Rodriguez simply wanted to justify his own change. He did not want to belong or keep a bond between a past that did not bring fond memories. He was not as disadvantaged as other Hispanics. However, he felt very strongly about not going to Chicano student meetings or social events sponsored by â€Å"La Raza. † I don’t agree with him. After reading this, I realized that he is wrong. I am proud to be Mexican-American. I am proud to carry the term â€Å"Mexican† and â€Å"American. † I am proud of my Mexican culture, customs, and beliefs. I don’t need to change in order to succeed or attain a higher education. Rodriguez suddenly came to this realization. He could not simply cast out his culture and simply erase it. At some point, he had a discussion with his several Hispanic students in which he did not agree with them. Soon, he was known to others as being a â€Å"coconut,† brown on the outside, white on the inside. I have learned many things this semester. I had not really given much thought Mexican-American history. I never realized about the various things that were discussed. It was an eye opener. I was also able to realize of the many problems and injustices that Hispanics face here in the United States. However, just like Paz said, we cannot simply contemplate these issues. We need to do something about them. I am attending college to receive a higher education. I know that education is extremely important. However, I am not losing my identity by coming to college. Getting an education does not necessarily make you a different person. I don’t agree with Rodriguez’s viewpoint. After reading Paz and Rodriguez, I began to see myself in some of what they had to say. I realized that I have gone through a confusion stage. I sometimes don’t know where I belong or who I am. I have come to the conclusion that I am simply American. America is a nation filled with various ethnic groups. Hispanics include people from Mexico, Honduras, Puerto Rico, Nicaragua, etc. There are also many Asians. I often ask myself why people from Ireland living here in America aren’t labeled Irish-American. They are simply American. Why then should we be labeled Mexican-American? Cant’ we simply be called American? I have come to the conclusion that I am American. American can mean different things to different people. To me American means being a part of Mexico as well as the United States. I consider myself a lucky person. I am able to be have the best of both worlds: Mexico and the United States. Tomorrow, I will celebrate Mother’s Day here in the United States and Monday it will be 10 de mayo, Dia de las Madres in Mexico. My mom is very lucky. She gets two gifts. I don’t believe that I am being a hypocrite by doing this. These are some of the advantages of being American.

Saturday, September 21, 2019


RISK AND UNCERTAINTY FOR A FIRM ENTERING A FOREIGN MARKET. EXECUTIV This report looks at Risk and Uncertainty as variables affecting a firm(s) in or entering foreign markets. From the onset it sets out to give an overview of the topic through a summary of risk that comes with the quest for expansion and further highlighting the motives for expansion which could be Market-lead, Capability-lead or Economics-lead. Risk refers to the likelihood and consequences of an undesirable occurrence(s). Uncertainty refers to doubt or indecision, and is inherent in company strategy as the future is never certain. Uncertainty Avoidance refers to the extent to which people can tolerate risk and uncertainty in their lives. This report then goes on to tackle the different Topic-related subjects as outlined by the contents page. It is my sincere hope that as you study this report it will prove to be a comprehensive framework for the subject matter at hand, of Risk and Uncertainty in relation to entering foreign markets. It also draws a distinction between the two variables that should be notable by the end of your study of this report. Yours Sincerely Jotham Mwale BA (HONS), BS STUDENT. METHODOLOGY The information used to compile this report is research-based and derived from a combination of learned knowledge, references from various updated management texts and windows internet explorer. INTRODUCTION Companies, in this day and Age, are on a quest to expand market share and profitability to achieve and maintain a position of competitive advantage. Globalization, as such, has been a strategy that many companies have adopted towards this end. Globalization refers to the linkages between markets that exist across national borders. This implies that what happens in one country has an impact on occurrences in other countries (Henry, p.260). However, the concepts of risk and uncertainty cannot be ignored even as we refer to globalization and companies urge to venture into it. There are many unknowns in the world of business, more so for international business. Organizations in international business or those seeking to venture into such or any other business are prone to face risk and uncertainty. Thus when a firm is entering a foreign market or internationally expanding for the first time there are many potential risks. This report tackles the question of the unknowns that firms are faced with when entering foreign markets, distinguishing between the concepts of risk and uncertainty. MOTIVES FOR EXPANSION INTO FOREIGN MARKETS A firm has various motives for expansion into foreign markets that would make it prone to risk. These motives may be Market-lead, Capability-lead or Economics-lead; Some Market-Lead motives are as follows; Globalization of markets and competition- this exerts pressure on the firm to adopt internationalizing strategies, and not just larger businesses. Internationalization of the Value Network. Exploiting differences between countries. Some Capability-Lead motives are as follows; Leveraging Capabilities- by doing this across its businesses in a number of countries, the firm is able to achieve competitive advantage. Enhancing Capabilities- through international acquisitions and strategic alliances the firm may acquire new capabilities. Enhancing Learning- entry into some markets, foreign inclusive, may enhance organizational learning. Some Economics-Lead motives (reducing costs) are as follows; Economies of Scale- the firm can derive economies by increasing the scale of its operations. Economies of Scope- by spreading costs over a larger output per unit costs may be reduced. RISK Assuming a firm is trying to enter the American market for the first time, it is bound to face a lot of challenges and risk, especially since it is one of the worlds biggest and active markets. Risk refers to the likelihood and consequences of an undesirable occurrence(s). A firm entering a foreign market like the American market for the first time will face risk. There are many potential risks that are posed on a firm on the verge/with the motive of venturing into a foreign market for the first time. Types of Risk POLITICAL RISK- there is potential threat to a companys operations in America due to the ineffectiveness and inefficiencies of the different political systems. For example, a change in governments from the republicans to the democrats would lead to a significant change in policies. Other laws and regulations that can affect a business in a foreign market are as follows; Revenue and tax laws as concerns remissions and what percentage of revenue is required to be ploughed back into the local economy of the foreign state. Laws on pollution limits. Tariffs, trade embargos and sanctions will also affect whether a business operate in a foreign market or not. Labor laws as concerns wages and pension. Health and safety laws. Laws as regards use of local material in production ECONOMIC RISK This is the potential threat to the firms operations in a country due to the economic policies and conditions in that country. In America, for example, interest rates may prove to be too high for a business that is coming from sub-Saharan Africa. Government economic policies such as; Monetary and Fiscal Policies will affect a business and can either be beneficial or a threat to them. CURRENCY RISK This is the potential threat to a firms operations in a country due to fluctuations in the local currencys exchange rates. The United States dollar is a strong currency and fluctuations in it have, and may prove either disastrous or beneficial to businesses the world over. MANAGEMENT RISK This is the potential threat to a companys operations in a country due to the problems that managers have making decisions in the context of foreign markets. Different countries have different cultures. Hosted identified four national cultures that would have an impact on management styles in different countries; Power distance- defining the extent to which a culture accepts different distribution of power within society. For cultures/nations with high power distance like France, Spain and Brazil; management style is autocratic with a lot of centralization, close supervision and top-down command chains. This must to be taken into account as venturing into such cultures without such knowledge would indeed prove risky or hazardous. Cultures like that of the United States and United Kingdom have less power distance and as such employees are more involved. Uncertainty avoidance- referring to the extent to which order, security and control are preferred to ambiguity, uncertainty and change. For nations with a high uncertainty avoidance culture, employees value task culture, written rules and regulations, and standardization. Deviance and/or ignorance of these values pose a threat to a firm wanting to operate in that nation. On the other hand, nations with a low uncertainty avoidance culture like the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia, value flexibility and creativity and greater variability. Deviance and/or ignorance of these values would place a firm operating within such a nation at a risky position. Individualism/Collectivism- referring to the preference to hire and work in an individualistic way (focusing on the I identity as opposed to the We identity) as is the case in the United States and the United Kingdom. Collectivism refers to countries that value organizational family, corporate social responsibility (CSR) and relationship over task; Japan. Deviance and/or ignorance of such values poses risk for a firm operating in such a nation. Masculinity/Femininity- Masculinity refers to the extent to which a society values attributes such as; Assertiveness Status Personal achievement These are masculine traits prominent in countries like the United Kingdom, the United States and Australia. Feminine traits are those that emphasize on sympathy and service quality of life as is the case in Scandinavia and the Netherlands. Such values and traits need to be considered when venturing into a foreign market to avoid putting a firm at unnecessary risk. MARKET RISK- potential threat that a company faces by it being a part of a certain market. This risk can further be divided into; Industry risk Positioning risk Misys risk description according to their Annual Report on principal risks and uncertainties (2010) under the heading Business environment and market risks is as follows; As an international company, we operate across the globe and difficult or unexpected economic conditions in the markets we serve may affect the financial position of our customers and their willingness to commit expenditure. Other developments in the markets we serve may also impact the Group. The financial services sector is currently subject to regulatory review which could increase taxes on, or curtail certain of the activities of our customers leading them to reduce expenditure. Our Healthcare business is benefiting from the Healthcare Stimulus program in the United States, however, we must ensure that we comply with the requirements for meaningful use as defined by the United States Department of Health and Human Services across our healthcare product portfolio. In addition, we operate in highly competitive markets that are characterized by changing technology, industry standards and customer needs and by commercial pressures from customers. Four further classifications of risk as classified by Misy in their Annual Report (2010) are: Strategic Risk- which further embodies; Business environment and market risks Business strategy risks Operational Risk- which further embodies; People risks Product development risks Contract implementation and service level risks Business continuity risks IT risks Intellectual property risks Financial Risk- which embodies; Foreign exchange and interest rate risks Compliance Risk- which embodies; Legal and regulatory risks Strategy and Risk There are a number of strategies that can be employed in relation to risk, that is, the various types of risks. In response to positional risk this report considers the following strategies; The Strategy Clock The Strategy Clock (et al, p. 225) is a vital tool in determining the positioning of a firm. A firm entering a foreign market for the first time can assess which of the eight strategies/positions on the strategy clock to pursue, with full understanding of the risk that the various positions pose. Generic Strategy Needs/Risks No Frills Likely to be segment specific. Low Price Risk of price war low margins; need to be cost leader. Hybrid Low cost base reinvestment in low price differentiation. a) Differentiation; without price premium Perceived added value by user, yielding market share benefits. b) Differentiation; with price premium Perceived added value sufficient to bear price premium. Focused Differentiation Perceived added value to a particular segment, warranting price premium Increased price/standard value Higher margins if competitors do not follow; risk of losing market share. Increased price/low value Only feasible in monopoly situation. Low value/standard price Loss of market share. Porters Competitive Forces Porters 5 forces (1980) is another tool for positioning in relation to risk. The ideal situation (especially for a firm entering a foreign market for the first time) is one of low risk where; Bargaining power of buyers is low Bargaining power of suppliers is low Threat from potential entrants is low Threat from substitutes is low Competitive rivalry is low Why Companies Expand/Venture into Foreign Markets To spread business risk across a wider market base. It will not depend entirely depend on operations in domestic markets. To achieve/maintain core competences. To lower costs and enhance firms competitiveness. To gain access to new customers- expanding into foreign markets offers potential for increased revenue, profit and long-term relationships and growth, and becomes an especially attractive option when a companys home market is mature RISK MANAGEMENT It is important that risk is identified in advance, recorded and managed. A firm entering the United States market for the first time can do this using one of the following four strategies; Avoidance- where the factors that give rise to the risk are removed or the profit is undertaken. Reduction/Mitigation- these measures tend to reduce the likelihood and the consequence of the risk/risky event. Transference- where the risk is passed on to or stored in another party. Absorption- where potential risk is accepted in the hope that the consequences can be coped with if necessary. UNCERTAINTY Uncertainty refers to indecision or doubt over options. Uncertainty is inherent in a companys strategy, because nobody can be sure about the future or the stability of an economy. There is therefore even more uncertainty for firms in international business or those planning to enter foreign markets. Uncertainty Avoidance refers to the extent to which people can tolerate risk and uncertainty in their lives. People in societies with high uncertainty avoidance create institutions that minimize risk and ensure financial security. Companies emphasize stable careers and produce many rules to regulate actions and minimize ambiguity. Uncertainty Avoidance determines whether or not risk will be an issue for a company. Higher profits do come with greater risks and vice versa. Therefore for a firm entering the United States market for the first time will have to undertake risk management in order to identify risks and gauge whether or not they are able to tolerate whatever risks are discovered. FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT (FDI) Another option that companies wanting to enter a foreign market like that of the United States can consider is FDI. FDI is an internalization strategy in which the firm establishes a physical presence abroad by acquiring productive assets such as capital, technology, labor, plant and equipment. FDI is the most advanced expensive, complex and riskiest entry strategy that a firm could use. It is undertaken by and targeted at firms from both advanced economies and emerging markets. Some considerations relevant to choice of foreign market entry strategy are; Degree of control that the firm wants to maintain over decisions, operations, and strategic assets involved in a venture; Degree of risk that the firm is willing to tolerate, and the timeframe in which it expects returns; Organizational and financial resources (for example, capital, managers, technology) that the firm will commit to the venture; Availability and capabilities of partners in the market; Value-adding activities that the firm wants to perform itself in the market, and what activities it will leave to partners; Long-term strategic importance of the market CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION From the above analogy it can be derived that the question at hand has been adequately addressed. This report has affirmed that a firm will face unknowns in the world of business, more so in foreign/international markets. This report has also affirmed that risk is indeed a factor of concern for firms seeking to venture into such markets. It has significantly defined risk and highlighted a considerable range of types of risk. This report went further in even suggesting risk-related strategies and outlining the risk management framework. Uncertainty has also been addressed. It has also addressed the issue of FDI, its associated risks and how it is an option for venturing into foreign markets. The concept of uncertainty does not seem to hold as much water as that of risk. It would seem uncertainty is a by-product of risk as doubt or indecision over a promising/profitable venture would be sparked by the risk that comes with it. In conclusion, Risk cannot be avoided in business whether it is local or international. Risk is always present and can either be high, medium or low, but never absent. What differs is how tolerable different firms are to risk and how they individually manage their risk. I would recommend that firms engage in wide-scope risk management as even the smallest of risks can prove to be huge blows to competitive advantage. The business environment is turbulent, more so now than in the past years. It would be unwise to invest in business and not be able to make any profit whatsoever due to falling prey to unforeseen risks and subsequent consequences.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Essay --

Retinitis pigmentosa is a genetic disorder that causes blindness in the people that are affected by it. I chose retinitis pigmentosa because my grandmother has this genetic disorder. The disorder is very costly on those who have it. The disorder has robbed my grandmother of the life she wanted. She is no longer able to do the things she once was. She is legally blind, cannot drive, and has trouble getting around crowded areas. Retinitis pigmentosa was discovered by Doctor Donders in 1857. Retinitis pigmentosa is a very serious disorder in how it occurs, its signs and symptoms, its prevalence, and how its treated. Retinitis pigmentosa is caused by damage to the retina of the eye. The retina is the light sensitive layer of tissue at the back of the eye. The retina focuses images in the brain and then sends them via electrical signals up to the brain. The retina is a very important part of the eye to help a person see. What is affected in the retina from this disorder are the rods in the eye. The rods allow a person to see in the dark. Retinitis pigmentosa slowly causes the rods in the eye to deteriorate over time. Retinitis pigmentosa also can cause the cones in people’s eyes to deteriorate. If a person’s cones deteriorate first, then the person first develops blindness in the center of their eye and they lose some of their color vision. This form of retinitis pigmentosa is much rarer than the form that deteriorates the rods in the eyes. Retinitis pigmentosa can be caused in a person in numerous ways. It normally runs in families, however, it can also be caused from a mutation. We believe my grandmother developed the disorder from a genetic mutation, as no one else in my family has ever had the disorder or has developed it as of... health. Wearing sunglasses to protect your eyes also slows the affects, as sunglasses put less strain on the retinas. Quitting smoking at any point in life can help preserve retinal health. Smoking has been linked to retinal damage. The prognosis for those with retinitis pigmentosa is they will live just as long as a normal person. Early death is not linked to retinitis pigmentosa. The only problems that the person will have are vision problems. Each person has a different experience with retinitis pigmentosa. No one case is like another. The genetic disorder retinitis pigmentosa is very serious. It is very complex, as it has multiple ways to be inherited. The symptoms are serious and handicap the victims for life. It is very prevalent in society, and there is no treatment. Future research into this debilitating disorder will offer hope to those affected by it.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

2001: A Space Odyssey :: 2001

2001: A Space Odyssey      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Three million B.C. The gunpowder for a smashing evolutionary hit was amassing for a long time, but the necessary spark came from an outside help, which soon set the whole world ablaze. From this heated inferno, came the most proficient species ever to grace the planet. And now man has to be prepared for what comes next. Arthur C. Clarke skillfully proves the point that 'truth is stranger than fiction' in his remarkable book - 2001: A Space Odyssey. He also carefully examines the point that in spite of their intelligence and curious mind, humans lack the capacity to be a complete species on their own. Without the assistance of concerned alien species humans would never had climbed the evolutionary ladder. Devoid of the outside help they wouldn't had escaped their self made prison, explored the enormity of the universe and known their place in it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   If earth were a field and evolution a farmer then the leading and the healthiest crop in his field would be the human or homo sapiens. But this human race would never had flourished into an above average species without assistance from outer space friends. The aliens initialized the primary phase of the advancement process about three million years ago. They did this by means of a monolith, planted on earth on a fateful night. The monolith probed the ape-man's (Austrapethicas Erectus) mind, studied their reactions and finally evaluated their potential. By carefully conducted experiments the monolith altered the molecular makeup of the ape-man's brain making them smarter and providing them with the necessary skills needed to survive in the hostile world. The ape-man changed its shape and size evolving into a new and improved species. It was a slow, cumulative process, and at its end was man.   Therefore, without the assistance of helpful extra terres trial friends, ape-man would never had developed the dexterity to compete for life sustaining rations with rival species and would probably had suffered the same fate as the overgrown lizards. But evolutions success story has constructed tools that have become too hard for even him to handle.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   After centuries of enhancement, humans were transformed into a leading species, but he gradually turned into a plant that wraps around another plant for support and survival needs.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Hannah More vs. William Blake :: Poem Poetry Compare Contrast Essays

Hannah More vs. William Blake The Little Black Boy and The Sorrows of Yamba are both anti-slavery poems. Both Blake and More were against the political and social structure of slavery, but the way in which they choose to address the issue through their poetry is quite different. Differences in tonality, gender of main characters, implications for the future of these characters, and the audiences these pieces were addressed to make for a good contrast to the similarities they inevitably share in being both anti-slavery. Blake's poem, The Little Black Boy seems to be more hopeful then More's, The Sorrows of Yamba, which is in accordance with comments made about Blake's general attitude in Songs of Innocence. This hopefulness appears to come from a combination of faith and hope on the part of the author mixed with a type of ignorance on the characters part. The boy does not know any better; therefore, he can envision a heaven where he is an equal to the white English boy in heaven with him. More's poem does not seem as hopeful, it is more laden with grotesque imagery, something we might expect to see in a counterpart to Little Black Boy in Songs of Experience. More's descriptions are corporeal, and the despair and pain seem to be shouting out of these carcasses with 'mangled flesh.' Part of this difference in tonality may be due to the gender of the narrators and similarly the authors. As a man, Blake has always maintained the position a more privileged position in society compared to More simply beca use she is a woman. Although Blake may not agree with slavery, he is not writing from the perspective of a person who has been marginalized because of a biological difference within him, whereas More is. Perhaps because of this she has more knowledge and understanding of the internal strife, and more of a right to speak, of a person of color being stripped of all they have - even the desire to live. However, beyond the superficial reading of the authors' gender, though beneficial, there are lots of similarities and differences within the texts themselves. First, the genders of the narrators match up with the genders of the authors. One is a child, a boy, and one is an adult-the mother. I thought Blake's poem seemed to fit within the end of More's poem through the mother's sentiment, in the sense that the little boy was accepting Christian teachings of heaven?

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

CSR of Apple

Apple is making genuine strides in the direction of environmental friendliness by designing for energy efficiency, reducing packaging, and using recycling materials. Its websites also releases an extensively breakdown of company’s annual corporate carbon emissions. Apple says it emits 10. 2 million tons of carbon emissions annually. Meanwhile, HP says it releases 8. 4 million tons annually and it was just named the best S&P companies for the planet by Newsweek. Dell came in second and emits just 471,000 tons annually. Both of those companies only assess what happens during the production process. By contrast, Apple includes what happens once the product is being produced. The biggest source of emissions comes from customers using its product at home. The next biggest source of emissions comes from manufacturing which accounts for 45% of company’s emissions. However, using less material may bring some problems to Apple. Some customers complain that Apple’s products are more fragile than its predecessors. Therefore, the balance between durable product and reducing materials is very important for its product design. Apple publishes a supplier code of conduct and launches supplier audits to ensure that the code of conduct is being followed. More importantly, Apple does not hide bad conducts of its suppliers and releases it to public. In its latest Supplier Responsibility 2011 Progress Report, Apple outlines its specific findings of its own supplier audits. In 2010, its audit of 127 facilities revealed 37 core violations; 18 facilities where workers had paid excessive recruitment fees, which it considers to be involuntary labor; 10 facilities where underage workers had been hired; two instances of workers endangerment; 4 facilities where records were falsified; 1 case of bribery; and 1 case of coaching workers on how to answer auditors’ questions. The transparency of Apple’s report reveals Apple’s concern for its suppliers’ actions. Even if Apple has outsourced its supply chain, it still has a corporate social responsibility to ensure socially and environmentally sound business practices of its subcontractors. Apple may be praised for its openness. However, some customers think Apple is merely trying to get ahead of the ever-pervasive media by releasing this information themselves. The enforceability of supplier code is much more important than making this information available to public. If Apple is determined to enforce its code f suppliers, its business may be disrupted by termination of contracts with suppliers because of its outsourcing of supply chain. Therefore, a back-up plan is needed to prevent disruption of business. Termination with suppliers may contribute to loss of reputation and increasing transaction costs with alternative suppliers. So another issue Apple needs to consider beforehand is supplier selection which is an important part of supplier management. Therefore, Apple should set up more eff icient and relevant performance measures of suppliers and continuously evaluate these measures.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Does language affect thought? Essay

Thinking is possible without language because expressing a thought is often limited by words. As the famous saying says â€Å"a picture is worth a thousand words† this may also mean an idea a though or a picture in your mind, is worth a thousand words. Many times, people would like to express something they are imagining in their minds but do not have or know the right words to do so. Languages can create perspectives and be a mean to express and receive thoughts; however, thinking does not always require language. Language facilitates knowledge by not only giving us a way to express it but also providing us with a way of imagining something. It allows us to organize and simplify our ideas. For instance, it is easier to think in a table as the word â€Å"table† instead of imagining the entire three dimensional objects. A good example of this is a history book: through its words (language) it gives us a, sometimes clear, picture of a battle, a signing of a treaty or any historic event. Through its words the book is able to provide the reader with knowledge which is then transformed by the reader into an idea and a thought. The same can happen inversely, a though can be converted into language, as people do in everyday conversations. While this might be true, it does not mean that people cannot think, know, or have an idea without using language. A good example that proves this is a newborn; a baby that is hungry and wants milk, even though he does not know the words to express it, must be thinking â€Å"I am hungry† or â€Å"I want milk†. Some may argue that a baby’s hunger is an instinct, not a though, but in some cases kids do not learn how to speak until they are much older, does this mean they have lived on only instincts and not thoughts until they learned to speak. But children learn words little by little, not all at once which may lead the questions, where is the boundary? How much language must someone know to be able to think? Or, Can people only think the words you know? Is a baby’s first though â€Å"mommy† or â€Å"daddy†? Even though babies have not learnt any form of communication, they laugh think something is funny. Languages can extend knowledge and bring new perspectives together. To efficiently use 100% of language, you would have to know every single word of every single every language, but let’s keep it down to only English. English has an extensive vocabulary; the more English you know the more you expand your thoughts, since better use of language means thoughts can be expressed more accurately. Knowing the right words to put forth a thought is vital in order to let another person understand what you are thinking. This is evident when people struggle to say or write something because they cannot come up with the appropriate word or words to express their exact thoughts (as I have been doing while writing this paper). This leads us to further evidence that thinking without language is possible; when people fail to find appropriate words for any thought, it proves they their not able to put their thought into language. The thought is not put into language by its owner because it is not fully expressible through the language he knows, and even though he does not know the words the express his thought, he is still thinking it. Also, often, as time passes, new words are constructed to express new thoughts meaning the existing vocabulary is inadequate to express the thoughts you have. This indicates that language is created by thoughts, and to extend language, thoughts must already exist before they can be put into a language. As language is broadened by thoughts, people grow to become more restricted to language. Basically, once you know words, it is very difficult to think without using them; when you see the color white, you think â€Å"white†, when you see a ball, you think â€Å"ball†, when you see the sky, you think â€Å"air†, â€Å"blue†, â€Å"sun† and so on, all in the form of words. Language only restricts a thought to one way of thinking and limits it from expressing the thought to the full extent. While there is no limitation placed on thinking by language, because thinking does not necessarily require language. Thinking does not always require language; people are capable of thinking without language. When most people think rationally, they require language. When people think or even talk within themselves they do it through language. But when people think visually they do not need language to give them information about the visual world. For example; someone can look at a person’s face and know what they are feeling. Language is a mean of receiving or expressing though, it is not the though itself, thus if you do not have to receive or express a though, you do not need language, which leads to the conclusion that it is possible to think without language.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Biological Effects Of Radiation Environmental Sciences Essay

Radiation describes a procedure in which energetic atoms or moving ridges travel through a medium or infinite. There are two distinguishable types of radiation ; ionising and non-ionizing. The word radiation is normally used in mention to ionising radiation merely holding sufficient energy to ionise an atom but it may besides mention to non-ionizing radiation illustration like wireless moving ridges or seeable visible radiation. The energy radiates travels outward in consecutive lines in all waies from its beginning. This geometry of course leads to a system of measuring and physical that is every bit applicable to all types of radiation. Both ionising and non-ionizing radiation can be harmful to beings and can ensue in alterations to the natural environment. Radiation with sufficiently high energy can ionise atoms. Most frequently, this occurs when an negatron is stripped from an negatron shell, which leaves the atom with a net positive charge. Because cells are made of atoms, this ionisation can ensue in malignant neoplastic disease. An single cell is made of millions of atoms. The chance of ionising radiation doing malignant neoplastic disease is dependent upon the dose rate of the radiation and the sensitiveness of the being being irradiated. Alpha atoms, Beta atoms, Gamma and X-Ray radiation, and Neutrons may all be accelerated to a high plenty energy to ionise atoms. Alpha atom: In alpha atom, the self-generated procedure of emanation of an alpha atom from a radioactive karyon. Alpha atom is by and large termed as alpha decay. An alpha atom is emitted by a heavy karyon. The karyon, called parent karyon has a really big internal energy and is unstable. An alpha atom is a He nucleus holding two protons and two neutrons. When two negatrons revolving around the karyon of He atom are knocked out wholly, we have double ionized He atom known as alpha atom. Beta atom: a beta-particle is a fast moving negatron. The self-generated procedure of emanation of beta-particle from a radioactive karyon is called beta decay. Beta decay is of three types: beta-minus, beta-plus, and electron gaining control. Beta-minus: beta-minus is like an negatron. It is surprising that nucleus contains no negatron, so a karyon can breathe negatron. In the neutron inside the karyon is converted in to a proton and an negatron like atom. This negatron like atom is emitted by the karyon during beta-decay. In beta-minus decay, neutron in the karyon is converted in to a proton and a beta-minus atom is emitted so that the ratio of neutron to proton lessenings and therefore the nucleus becomes stable. Beta-plus: In a beta-plus decay, a proton is converted in to a neutron and a antielectron is emitted if a karyon has more protons than neutrons. Electron gaining control: In negatron gaining control, nucleus absorbs one of the interior negatrons go arounding around it and hence a atomic proton becomes a neutron and a neutrino is emitted. Electron gaining control is comparable with a antielectron emanation as the procedures lead to the same atomic transmutation. However, in negatron gaining control occurs more often than antielectron emanation in heavy elements. This is because the orbits of negatrons in heavy elements have same radii and hence orbital negatrons are really near to the karyon. Gamma beam: Gamma beams are the high energy packages of electromagnetic radiation. Gamma radiations have high energy photons. They do non hold any charge and their comparative remainder mass is zero. Gamma-decay it is the self-generated procedure of emanation of high energy photon from a radioactive karyon. When a radioactive karyon emits a beta atom, the girl karyon is excited to the higher energy province. This aroused karyon beams are emitted by the girl nucleus so it is clear that the emanation of gamma beams follows the emanation of alpha or beta atom.Non ionising radiation:Non-ionizing signifiers of radiation on life tissue have merely late been studied. Alternatively of bring forthing charged ions when go throughing through affair, the electromagnetic radiation has sufficient energy to alter merely the rotational, quiver or electronic valency constellations of molecules and atoms. However, different biological effects are observed for different types of non-ionizing radiation Radio moving ridges: Radio moving ridges whose wavelengths range from than 10^4m to 0.1m, are the consequence of charges speed uping through carry oning wires. They are generated by such electronic devices as LC oscillators are used in wireless and telecasting communicating system. Infrared beams: Infrared radiations have wavelength runing from about 0.3m to 10^ -4m and besides generated by the electronic devices. The infrared radiation energy absorbed by a substance as internal energy because the energy agitates the object ‘s atoms, increasing their quiver or translational gesture, which consequences temperature increases. Infrared radiation has practical and scientific application in many countries, including physical therapy, infrared radiation picture taking, and quiver spectrometry. Ultraviolet radiation: Ultraviolet radiation screen wavelength runing from about 4X10^4m to 6X10^-10m. The Sun is an of import beginning of ultraviolet radiation visible radiation, which is the chief cause of tan. Sunscreen locations are crystalline to seeable visible radiation but greater per centum of UV visible radiation absorbed. Ultraviolet beams have besides been implicated I the formation of cataracts. Most of the UV visible radiation from the Sun is absorbed by ozone molecules in the Earth upper ambiance, in a bed called stratosphere. This ozone shield converts lethal high energy UV radiation to infrared radiation, which in bends warm the stratosphere. X raies: X raies have the scope from approximately10^-8 to 10^-12m. The most common beginning of X raies is halting of high energy negatrons upon the pelting a metal mark. X raies are used as nosologies tool in medical specialty and as the intervention for certain signifiers of malignant neoplastic disease. Because X raies can damage or destruct living tissue and being, attention must be taken avoid necessary exposure or over-exposure. X raies are besides used in the survey of crystal construction because x-rays wavelengths are comparable to the atomic separation distance in solids. Electromagnetic radiation: The wave nature of electromagnetic radiation explains assorted phenomena like intervention, diffraction and polarisation. However, wave nature of electromagnetic radiation, could explicate phenomena like photoelectric consequence, Compton Effect. The cathode rays consist of negative charged atoms called negatrons which are the component of an atom and therefore the component of affair. Harmonizing to the construct of radiation illustration light moving ridge ‘s wireless moving ridges, X raies, microwaves etc. are assumed to transport energy in packages or packages known as photons or quanta.Biological consequence of radiation:In biological consequence of radiation, there are many unsafe effects of our wellness and organic structure. Biological effects of radiation are typically can be divided into two classs. The first category consist of exposure to high doses of radiation over shots period of clip bring forthing ague or short term effects. The 2nd class represents exposure to low doses of radiation over an drawn-out period of clip bring forthing chronic or long term effects. High dosage ( acute ) : high doses tend to kill cells, while low doses tend to damage or alter them. High doses can kill so many cells that tissues and variety meats are damaged. This is bend may do a rapid whole organic structure response frequently called the ague radiation syndrome ( ARS ) . Low doses ( chronic ) : low doses spread out over long periods of clip do n't do an immediate job to any organic structure organ. The effects of low doses of radiation occur at the degree of the cell, and the consequences may non be observed for many old ages. Although we tend to tie in high doses of radiation with ruinous events such as atomic arms detonations, there have been documented instances of persons deceasing from exposures to high doses of radiation ensuing from tragic events. High effects of radiation: high effects of radiation are skin Burnss, hair loss, asepsis, cataracts. Effectss of skin include ( blushing like tan ) , dry ( skining ) , and moist ( vesicating ) . Skin effects are more likely to happen with exposure to moo energy gamma, x-ray, or beta radiation. Most of the energy of the radiation sedimentation in the skin surface. The dosage required for erythematic to happen is comparatively high, in surplus of 300 radiations. Blistering requires a dosage in surplus of 1,200 radiations. Hair loss, besides called epilation, is similar to clamber effects and can happen after acute doses of about 500 radiations. Asepsis can be impermanent or lasting in males, depending upon the doses. To bring forth lasting asepsis, a dosage in surplus of 400 radiations is required to the generative variety meats. Cataracts ( a clouding of the lens of the oculus ) appear to hold a threshold about 200 radiations. Neutrons are particularly effectual in bring forthing cataracts, because the oculus has high H2O content, which is peculiarly effectual in halting neutrons.High dose effects:Dose ( radiation ) consequence observed15-25 blood count alterations. 50 blood count alteration in single. 100 Vomiting ( threshold ) . 150 Death ( threshold ) .Classs of effects of exposure to low doses of radiation:There are three general classs of effects ensuing from exposure to low doses of radiation. These are: Familial: the consequence is suffered by the progeny of the person exposed. Bodily: the consequence is chiefly suffered by the person exposed. Since malignant neoplastic disease is the primary consequence, it is sometimes called the carcinogenic consequence. In-utero: some erroneously consider this to be a familial effect of radiation exposure, because the consequence, suffered by a development is after birth. However, this is really a particular instance of the bodily consequence, since the embryo is the 1 to the radiation. Radiation hazard: the approximative hazards for the three chief effects to degree of radiation are: In familial consequence, hazard from 1 paradoxical sleep of radiation exposure to the generative variety meats about 50 to 1,000 clip ‘s less than self-generated hazard for assorted anomalousnesss. In bodily consequence, for radiation induced malignant neoplastic disease, the hazard estimation is developing any type of malignant neoplastic disease. However non all malignant neoplastic diseases are associated with exposure to radiation. The hazard from deceasing from radiation induced malignant neoplastic disease is about one half the hazard of acquiring the malignant neoplastic disease. In utero: Spontaneous hazards of foetal abnormalcies are about 5 to 30 times greater than hazard of exposure to 1 paradoxical sleep radiation. However, the hazard of child goon malignant neoplastic disease from exposure in utero is about the same as the hazard to grownups exposed to radiation exposures. Linear no-threshold hazard theoretical account: general consensus among experts is that some radiation dosage by a additive, no threshold theoretical account. This theoretical account is accepted by the NRC since it appears to be most conservative. Linear: an addition in dose grownups in a relative addition in hazard. No-threshold: any dosage, no affair how little, produces some hazard. The hazard does non get down at 0 because there is some hazard of malignant neoplastic disease, even with no occupational exposure. Exposure to radiation is warrant of injury. However, because of the additive, no-threshold theoretical account, more exposure means more hazard, and there is no dosage of radiation so little that it will non hold some consequence.Effects OF RADIATION ON CELLSIonizing radiation absorbed by human tissue has adequate energy to take negatrons from the atoms that make up molecules of the tissue. When the negatron that was shared by the two atoms to organize a molecular bond is dislodged by ionising radiation, the bond is broken and therefore, the molecule falls apart. This is a basic theoretical account for understanding radiation harm. When ionising radiation interacts with cells, it may or may non strike a critical portion of the cell. We consider the chromosomes to be the most critical portion of the cell since they contain the familial information and ins tructions required for the cell to execute its map and to do transcripts of it for reproduction intents. Besides, there are really effectual fix mechanisms at work invariably which fix cellular harm – including chromosome harm.Uses of radiation: Nuclear natural philosophies application are highly widespread in fabrication, medical specialty in biological science, we present a few of these application and implicit in theories back uping them. Tracing: Radioactive tracers are used to track chemicals take parting in assorted reactions. One of the most valuable utilizations of radioactive tracers in medical specialty. For illustration, I, a food needed by the human organic structure, is obtained mostly through consumption of iodinated salt and sea nutrient. Radiation therapy: Radiation causes much harm to quickly spliting cells. Therefore, it is utile in malignant neoplastic disease intervention because tumour cells divide highly quickly. Several mechanisms can be used to present radiation to a tumour. In some instances, a narrow beam of X ray or radiation from a beginning such as 60co is used. In other state of affairs, thin radioactive acerate leafs called seeds are implanted in the cancerous tissue. The radioactive isotope 131I is used to handle malignant neoplastic disease of the thyroid. Black organic structure radiation: An object at any temperature emits electromagnetic moving ridges in the signifier of thermic radiation from its surface. The features of this radiation depend on the temperature and belongingss of the object ‘s surface. Thermal radiation originates from accelerated charged atoms in the atoms near the surface of the object ; those charged atoms emit radiation much as little aerials do. The thermally radiation agitated atoms can hold a distribution of energies, which accounts for the uninterrupted spectrum of radiation emitted by the object. The basic job was in understanding the ascertained distribution of wavelengths in the radiation emitted by a black organic structure. A black organic structure is an ideal system that absorbs all radiation incidents on it. The electromagnetic radiation emitted by the black organic structure is called black body radiation. Radiation harm: Radiation harm means that electromagnetic is all about in the signifier of wireless moving ridges, microwaves, light moving ridges so on. The grade and type of harm depend on several factors, including the type and energy of the radiation and belongingss of the affair. Radiation harm in biological being is chiefly due to ionization effects in cells. A cell ‘s normal operation may be disrupted when extremely reactive ions are formed as the consequence of ionising radiation. Large those of radiation are particularly unsafe because harm to a great figure of molecules in a cell may do to decease. In biological systems, it is common to divide radiation harm in two classs: bodily harm and familial harm. Bodily harm is that associated with any organic structure cell except the generative cells. Bodily harm can take to malignant neoplastic disease or can earnestly change the features of specific being. Familial harm affects merely generative cells. Damage to the cistrons in generative cells can take to faulty cells. It is of import to be the aware of the consequence of nosologies interventions, such as X raies and other signifiers of radiation exposure, and to equilibrate the important benefits of intervention with the detrimental effects. Damage caused by the radiation besides depends on the radiation ‘s perforating power. Alpha particles cause extended harm, but penetrate merely to shoal deepness in a stuff due to strength interaction with other charged atoms. Neutrons do non interact via the electric force and hence penetrate deeper, doing important harm. Gamma beams are high energy photons that can do serve harm, but frequently pass through affair without interactions. For example- a given dosage of alpha atom causes approximately 10 times more biological harm produced by radiation than equal dosage of X raies. The RBE ( comparative biological effectivity ) factor for a given type of radiation is the figure of rads of X ray or gamma radiation that produces the same biological harm as 1-rad of the radiation is being used. Radiation sensors: Atoms go throughing through affair interact with the affair in several ways. The atoms can, for example- ionize atoms, spread from atoms, or be absorbed by atoms. Radiation sensors exploit these interactions to let a measuring of the atom ‘s energy, impulse, or alteration and sometimes the very being of the atom if it is otherwise hard to observe. Assorted devices have been developed for observing radiation. These devices are used for a assortment of intents, including medical diagnosings, radioactive dating measuring, mensurating back land radiation, and mensurating the mass, energy, and impulse of atoms is created in high-energy atomic reaction.Consequence OF RADIATION ON HUMANSA really little sum of ionising radiation could trip malignant neoplastic disease in the long term even though it may take decennaries for the malignant neoplastic disease to look. Ionizing radiation ( x-rays, radon gas, radioactive stuff ) can do leukaemia and thyroid malignant neop lastic disease. There is no uncertainty that radiation can do malignant neoplastic disease, but there still is a inquiry of what degree of radiation it takes to do malignant neoplastic disease. Quickly spliting cells are more susceptible to radiation harm. Examples of radiosensitive cells are blood organizing cells ( bone marrow ) , enteric liner, hair follicles and foetuss. Hence, these develop malignant neoplastic disease foremost. If a individual is exposed to radiation, particularly high dosage, there are predictable alterations in our organic structure that can be measured. The figure of blood cells, the frequence of chromosome aberrances in the blood cells and the sum of radioactive stuff in piss, are illustrations of biomarkers that can bespeak if one is exposured high dosage. If you do non hold early biological alterations indicated by these measurings the radiation exposure will non present an immediate menace to you.Radiation toxic conditionRadiation toxic condition, radiation illness or a crawl dosage, is a signifier of harm to organ tissue caused by inordinate exposure to ionising radiation. The term is by and large used to mention to acute jobs caused by a big dose of radiation in a short period, though this besides has occurred with long term exposure. The clinical name for radiation illness is acute radiation syndrome as described by the CDC A chronic radiation syndrome does be but is really uncomm on ; this has been observed among workers in early Ra beginning production sites and in the early yearss of the Soviet atomic plan. A short exposure can ensue in acute radiation syndrome ; chronic radiation syndrome requires a drawn-out high degree of exposure. Radiation exposure can besides increase the chance of developing some other diseases, chiefly malignant neoplastic disease tumours, and familial harm. These are referred to as the stochastic effects of radiation, and are non included in the term radiation.Radiation ExposureRadiation is energy that travels in the signifier of moving ridges or high-velocity atoms. It occurs of course in sunshine and sound moving ridges. Man-made radiation is used in X-rays atomic arms, atomic power workss and malignant neoplastic disease intervention. If you are exposed to little sums of radiation over a long clip, it raises your hazard of malignant neoplastic disease. It can besides do mutants in your cistrons, which you could go through on to any kids you have after the exposure. A batch of radiation over a short period, such as from a radiation exigency can do Burnss or radiation illness. Symptoms of radiation illness include sickness, failing, hair loss, skin Burnss and decreased organ map. If the exposure is big plenty, it can do premature aging or even decease.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Lord of the Flies Coursework Essay

â€Å"Show how Golding creates a world of increasing violence in the novel Lord of the Flies is an allegorical novel, written shortly after the Second World War. It tells a story of school boys deserted on a island , and their struggle to manage, by an omniscient narrator who comments on setting and movement. This is similar to the story of Coral Island, however Golding is challenging the ideas in this, instead of the boys resorting to team work and success like expected, they resort to activism and create a environment of â€Å"increasing violence†. By purposely setting the novel on a isolated island Golding can show his impression of the true nature of humans, and that he believes they would act sadistically and slowly become more and more distant from any means of civilisation. Golding manages to create a small world and community filled with violence by the end of the novel through a number of aspects; the settings, the characters and their behaviour, events, and general themes that run through the novel. Golding purposely sets his novel Lord of the flies on an isolated island so the boy’s natural behaviour can emerge when taken away from rules or boundaries. This setting creates a small community, and the island is like a microcosm of the world. The first setting we are introduced to when reading Lord of the Flies is the lagoon along with when we meet Piggy and Ralph. This setting is peaceful, â€Å"Dazzling beach† this is an idealistic setting which is parallel to the boy’s behaviour at this point. The first aspect of any violence in the novel is when Ralph pretended to be a fighter plane and â€Å"machine gunned Piggy† this in contrast to the behaviour in the final chapters emphasizes Golding’s point and shows the huge difference in the boy’s actions and the amount of violence. The protagonist Ralph is not a violent character, his main aspect whilst on the island is being rescued. Whilst being the leader in the beginning of the novel he tries to maintain civilisation and a sense of democracy however Jessica Johnson 10h violence, activism and sadism takes over any sense of development. An example of this is when a group of boys including Jack where told to keep the fire alight; instead of keeping it alight so they could be rescued the boys decide to hunt, they use violence instead. This is where it first becomes clear the boys are starting to lose interest in being rescued and are more engrossed by the power from using violence and hurting other living beings. Ralph doesn’t represent savagery or violence he represents democracy, courage and is associated with the conch, he â€Å"clutches† it. The conch is also a symbol of civilisation. Furthermore the conch in Greek mythology was used by Triton the sea god, to raise or calm the oceans; this is exactly what it does in Lord of the Flies with the boys during the meetings. The boys increasingly lose their moral values and innocence in the novel, this is shadowed by the way the conch loses it’s colour. The antagonist Jack could be seen as Golding’s main tool that increases the boy’s use of violence in the microcosm setting. Jack is first described as wearing black and having â€Å"red† hair, these colours could be symbolic of the devil and relevant to Golding’s themes of evil. He becomes the chief after Ralph and leads the boys to act savage like and use violence towards each other, and to hunt. Jack is shown to have a lust for hunting as it gives him a sense of power, and pleasure, it becomes clear through his character the evil that can be latent within man kinds character. Because of the literal period that Lord of the Flies was written in, Jack could be seen as a representative of Hitler as he constantly uses violence and increases the use of it in others; this makes him essential to Golding’s increasing of violence in the novel for example his first prime instinct in the novel was to hunt. The use of hunting, violence and unkindness the boys use continues to grow through out the novel, by chapter nine all the boys are involved in a ritual dance which results in the â€Å"accidental† killing of Simon. This death is foreshadowed by Golding’s use of pathetic fallacy, â€Å"storm clouds built up over the island† , â€Å"thunder roars† and Piggy- the wise, intelligent character also predicts trouble. After Simon’s meeting with the â€Å"beast† he returns to talk to the boys however they are involved in the ritual dance and they mistake him for the beast, chanting and shrieking they beat him to death. Here is a obvious turning point in the novel, as the first â€Å"murder† is committed, and that is notified by Piggy, the boys are losing innocence and use of violence is clearly increasing. Jessica Johnson 10h In Chapter eleven the violence has increased so much it becomes out of hand, and whilst Ralph and Piggy try to negotiate with Jack’s tribe Roger kills Piggy and breaks the conch. In the beginning of the novel Roger through rocks, however â€Å"he aimed to miss† because he still considered rules, morals and society. Now the violence has clearly increased in the world the boys are living in as Roger is now enabled by the current environment to push a balder onto Piggy’s head and kill him. It has also become clear here that Roger has become mindlessly atavistic. Piggy’s death is not as personal as Simon’s is described. When Piggy is killed he lands â€Å"on his back across that red square, red rock in the sea† this positioning and description is highly symbolic along with the colour imagery Golding uses, of possibly a sacrifice on a primitive altar. After his death nature’s indifference is described similar to after Simon’s death, â€Å"the sea breathed again†, this may change a reader’s response to Piggy’s death perhaps adding more sympathy as it makes it seem like it is insignificant. This scene and the final Chapter where Ralph is betrayed and is being viciously hunted by all the boys are obvious increasing of the boy’s use of violence. In the final chapter the boys are finally rescued, ironically it isn’t by the signal fire as the aspect of that was taken over by savagery and violence. However it is a fire that is symbolic of violence as the use of it was meant to help kill Ralph. However it summons a ship, when the boys are met once again with a well groomed civilised human, they are described by the omniscient narrator as little boys and their use of violence disappears. Heightened by the character Percival who at the beginning of the novel could say his name and address, however by the end has completely forgotten his true identity. â€Å"Ralph wept for the end of innocence† the tears that Ralph weeps could be symbolic of his realisation of failure to fight the evil within man kind. Ralph can no longer see the world as a secure safe place where violence won’t be used against him, as he has seen it increase and the pleasure from it overtake people. When looking at the full grown groomed adult compared to the dirty â€Å"little boys† in front of him, it is ironic that the little boys now have more knowledge about the innate desire within all man kind.